Welcome to
PIWC Kasoa
We recommend
Jesus Christ to you.
Our JOY comes
from JESUS
With Joy you will draw water
from the wells of Salvation
Every great work of God is accomplished through PRAYER Jesus Christ
is our HOPE

We give God all the praise and adoration for how far He has brought us in the first half of the year. May His name be glorified. We look forward to His mighty hand upon us, His grace and favor carrying us through the year 2023.

We have significant events planned for the second half of the year, including Hallalshacar, Prayerfest 2023, Favour Conference 2023, a Mega Marriage and Singles Seminar, a Family Day Out, and our end-of-year offering to purchase land for our new auditorium, among many others.

Prayer and devotion are crucial to achieving all these endeavors. They are the ingredients that will help us build our spiritual lives and make an impact for the Lord. Therefore, as we begin the second half of the year, the theme is ‘Encouraging Personal Devotions and Small Group Prayer Meetings to Strengthen the Church.’ (Mark 1:35, Luke 2239-40, Acts 8:27-31)

Rev. Isaac Annor

Resident Minister, PIWC Kasoa

Special Church TV Transforming Nations The Assembly Concept #TheSpecialChurch
Shepherding of Souls, Caring for one another
Kingdom Impact Theatre (KIT)

This Year! Come back home to Jesus, the Author & Perfector of our Faith.

The Church is called out of the world to belong to God and sent back into the world to witness and to serve.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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